Understanding Condensing Boiler for Increased Efficiency

If you are looking for Condensing Boiler, then probably this is the best place where you can start from. A little information to brush up your knowledge is from 2005, it is mandatory for all gas-fired boilers to incorporate a condensing feature.  

Now we begin with the basics as to what a condensing boiler is? 

A condensing boiler is a heating appliance, especially water, which works using either gas or oil. It is designed with the objective of improving energy efficiency while it converts the condensing water vapors directly into heat for the building. 
A condensing boiler is made on the same principles as that of non-condensing boilers as both of them have the same elements. The difference lies in the way the different amount of heat is produced using the burning fuel.  

The efficiency of the boiler is calculated on the basis of its capability to alter the energy received from burning fuel into the one heating water circulating around the house.  

How does a Condensing Boiler Works? 

These boilers contain two heat exchangers situated internally. This enables the heat energy from the flue gases lost to the surrounding is channeled back to the heating system. The water vapors present in the flue gases are sometimes so cooled down that they are turned back into liquid form and drained out through a waste pipe.  

If you are looking for a Condensing Boiler Installation, then Obrien can help you in the task. They supply and install all sorts of boilers all around Australia. Apart from that, their maintenance services are also highly in demand due to the professional services that they provide at affordable rates. They have been in business from the past 22 years and have written success stories. Own a Condensing Boiler and make your life easier. Visit the website https://obrienboilers.com.au/ for more information.


  1. Fuel is burnt on the grate in the furnace and flue gases released during burning of the fuel enter the stroke tube and then the flue gas chamber to pass off to the chimney directly or via the water preheater.

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