Importance of Boiler Commissioning and Maintenance Guidelines

Commissioning of a boiler is a systematic process initiated after erecting the machinery to make the boiler and its auxiliaries safe, steady, and secure for operation. 

The plant owner must ensure that their boilers function securely and comply with their local and state building codes as well as all associated safety laws. Usually, the commissioning of new boiler equipment involves initial operative testing followed by the completion of the start-up trial. Once a boiler passes all tests and receives an operational certificate, it is regarded to be "commissioned."

There are several steps involved in boiler Commissioning procedure; however, they might vary from place to place depending upon the regulations set by the governing authorities of the area in question. Broadly speaking, they should include the following standard procedures. 

  1. Test for Air leakage.
  2. Hydrostatic test.
  3. The process to test the aptness of Boiler auxiliaries.
  4. Gas distribution test.
  5. Boiler light-up test.
  6. Alkali boil-out and passivation of the first phase.
  7. Acid cleaning and second phase passivation.
  8. Critical piping— Steam pressure test
  9. Test for safety valve floating.
  10. Coal firing test in case of coal-powered boilers.

Why Boiler Water Treatment Is Imperative?

The pre-treatment therapy of boiler water guarantees that the equipment functions at the highest efficiency and under standard performance norms. On the contrary, an inadequately treated boiler may have severe issues like corrosion and scaling, which could also lead to breakdowns or catastrophic failure in some instances. Get in touch with a reliable water testing firm to initiate the process.

Importance of Boiler Cleaning Before Start-up

Any qualified technician from a reputed company will tell you that once perfectly cleaned and passivated before starting up, a freshly installed boiler will function optimally throughout its service life. The main reasons why boilers are chemically cleaned are to avoid pipe failures and enhance the effectiveness of heat transfer. 

Boiler Inspection After Installation 

There are two main categories of a boiler inspection: an external inspection and an internal inspection. An external review is performed during the operation of the boiler. On the other hand, an internal investigation is a bit more complex since it involves shutting down and opening up of the boiler machinery. 

Boiler Maintenance Best Practices 

Once the boiler is commissioned and inspected, there are a few simple steps that you may follow to ensure long life and proper functioning.

  • Keep the machinery debris free
  • Keep the exhausts vents free from blockages
  • Schedule regular boiler inspection
  • Train your staff in basic water testing procedures
  • Follow a checklist for proper boiler start-up and shut-down. 

To know more about boiler commissioning  and maintenance procedures, visit us now at


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