Furnace engineering | Factors You Require Considering For An Efficient Furnace

If you have an industrial furnace, then it is important to ensure its efficiency by reducing the overall maintenance costs while ensuring that the facilities will run smoothly without resulting in undue revenue loss. Keep on reading to know some of the tips for furnace engineering that make the furnace run efficiently.

Evaluate the furnace liner using IR thermography inspection
In IR thermography, is one of the crucial steps for evaluating the furnace lining quality. Moreover, lining quality is also important for protecting the steel from the heat as well as for limiting the heat loss from steel for enhancing the overall furnace efficiency.
In the scan, the IR camera is pointed at several points of the furnace casing to find out the outside temperature for analyzing the hot spots where there is heat leakage due to design issues. These are generally not visible by seeing from outside.

It can be greatly beneficial as the unit continues to operate. The IR camera can easily detect other problems and hot spots in the lining specialized engineers.

Based on the temperature, or depending on the difficulty in reaching a particular area, or seeing the size of the hot spot, one can carry out online repairs when required. Many of the maintenance engineers prefer online repair as this process is fast, reliable and economical. Ultimately, boilers generate revenue. Thus, it proves truly valuable if repairs are made when the unit is online. It also helps in avoiding revenue loss due to the faulty units. It also corrects the consequential losses due to the shutting down of the additional connected units.
By using traditional repair systems, it becomes important to shut down the furnace and cool these until it becomes safe for maintenance personnel to enter and repair the lining using pumpable, fibre blankets and monolithic.

Choosing the right material for rebuilds

In the case of IR scans, the area of concern is quite large for repairs. Moreover, the unit requires being shut down for the furnace relining or process heater relining. Finding the right material is the key to improving reliability and efficiency and for lowering the maintenance cost. The various factors to take into consideration include density, hardness, mechanical resistance, and the insulating factor. Based on the application of the furnace, one requires choosing a material with varying properties.
You can find out more about furnace engineering and get great services for the same reaching out to O’Brien Boilers.


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